布利索(文森·卡索 Vincent Cassel 饰)是一位精明强干的政府间谍,某日,他和几个同事接受了一个秘密任务,前往卡萨布兰卡,在那里接应他们的,是名为丽萨(莫妮卡·贝鲁奇 Monica Bellucci 饰)的女间谍。丽萨来到此地多日,已经成功的打入了目标人物的家庭内部,得到了机密情报。   然而,正当他们准备回国之时,丽萨却在机场遭到了瑞士竟让的拘捕,一包本不应该存在的海洛因出现在了丽萨的皮包里,之后,布利索得知自己的同事遭到了暗杀,种种迹象让他明白,事件的背后一定隐藏了一个惊天阴谋,他只有依靠自己的力量去破解这个秘密,才有可能拯救更多的人。

From his offices in Switzerland, Russian Igor Lipovsky is engaged in a vast and profitable gunrunning operation with Africa. The French government wants to hinder the activities of the arms dealer and sends a team to sink one of his ships heading for Angola with a load of illegal weaponry. Lisa, Brisseau, Loïc, Tony and Raymond are professionals: they carefully set up their cover, plan all their moves meticulously, and carry out orders without asking questions. Perhaps they should. The code-name of the mission is "Janus"; and just like with the ancient deity, there are two opposite faces for every aspect of the operation: the objective of the French government, the role of each team member, the presumed friend and the assumed foe...


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