
类型:悬疑  地区:日本  年份:2014 

颓废堕落的中年人藤岛昭和(役所广司 饰)也曾拥有幸福美满的家庭,身为刑警的他因暴打前妻桐子(黑泽明日香 饰)的情人而被迫提前退休。在看不见未来的最低端,他接到桐子打来的电话,原来藤岛的女儿加奈子(小松菜奈 饰)已失踪多日。出于复杂的感情,这个粗鲁凶暴的男人风风火火展开调查,他走访了加奈子身边的人,包括高中同学森下(桥本爱 饰)和长野(森川葵 饰)、班主任东里惠(中谷美纪 饰)以及精神科医生辻村(国村隼 饰),从这些人的口中,却发现女儿天使般的外表下似乎住着一个可以让所有人堕落乃至遭遇不幸的魔鬼。藤岛全速奔跑 ,另一伙危险的人马也介入进来……   本片根据深町秋生的推理小说《无尽的渴望》改编。

Kanako, a beautiful girl and one of the best students at school, goes missing with all the belongings left behind in her room. Her father Akikazu is now asked by his ex-wife to look for their daughter. He starts a desperate search of Kanako using any means, in the hope of getting his "ideal" family back in place despite the fact that the very reason of the family breakup was because of his problematic personality and behaviors. Following tracks of her past and present and talking to her "friends," he starts to get to know his daughter whom he never knew or didn't even attempt to know. When Akikazu is led to one clue, he realizes the world Kanako was facing beyond his imagination... Can the father find his daughter, and get back his perfect happy family he has dreamed of after all these years?


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