这是一个发生在上个世纪80年代香港戏班里的故事。戏班里顽皮捣蛋的武生阿贵(董玮 饰)经常扮鬼吓人,连戏班的台柱新少佳都经常被他捉弄,大家对他既气愤,亦无可奈何。 这次,当阿贵又扮鬼吓人时,岂料碰上了真鬼——潮州鬼。阿贵吓得屁滚尿流,幸好戏班里的老衣箱声叔(林正英 饰)这方面经验丰富,他得知潮州鬼生前被人分尸,死后才冤魂不散。为了让潮州鬼安息,声叔和阿贵决定找全潮州鬼的尸骸。不料却错挖了另一个恶鬼的尸骸,一时间,戏班被恶鬼弄得乌烟瘴气,声叔决定和阿贵一起扮天师吓走恶鬼。
Inspired by the paranormal stories of opera veteran Master Sheng (Ching-Ying Lam), an opera troupe, which includes the daring actor Kuei (Wei Tung), trick each other with ghostly stories and horror tricks. The troupe is repulsed by the overly-confident opera actor Chia (Ho Kai Law); therefore, they play the ultimate ghost trick on him. When Chia finds out, he confronts the troupe, resulting them in keeping a distance from each other. However, the troupe's troubles worsen when their opera stage is haunted by a mischievous and restless ghost (Yuet Sang Chin).
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