Julien Janvier lost his mother young, drifted apart from his working class father and ever closer to confident Sophie Kowalsky, the Polish class outsider. Their dares game, symbolized by an interchanged music-box, grows ever bolder, regardless of harm to others and each-other. In his college years, it even suspends their relationship and toys with their marriages, but they are drawn back to each-other irresistibly.

世上最操蛋的情感,是两小无猜?。La Vie En Rose。垃圾电影。一个字决定生命。還好,還有一個法國。。我敢与你十年不见。爱情,好过生命和生命里的一切。有什么好看的?绝无仅有的烂片。。死比爱更暖。爱你爱到玩死你。

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