香港九龙区旺角混混阿杰(刘德华)做事利落重情义,颇有老大风范,为了照顾做事冲动又好面子的小弟乌蝇(张学友),他不停地在各种大小麻烦中周旋,甚至不惜为乌蝇与黑道狠角色(万梓良)结仇。   阿杰表妹阿娥(张曼玉)前来旺角看病暂住他家,两人慢慢互生情愫,但因为担心自己的身份最终会给阿娥带来伤害,阿杰选择了将心事埋藏。待阿杰明白真情抑压不住想对命运做番抵抗时,乌蝇却再次因好面子面临生命危险,于是一道友情与爱情必选其一的难题重又摆在阿杰面前。

A low-level triad "big brother" has a hot-tempered "little brother" who can't keep out of trouble, and consequently is in constant need of being bailed out by his protector. The "big brother" is super cool, but lacks the ambition to rise in the ranks of the triad societies - and once he meets his cousin from Kowloon and falls in love with her, he even thinks about leaving "the life".


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