本片是关于20世纪伟大数学家小约翰•福布斯-纳什的人物传记片。   小约翰•福布斯-纳什(拉塞尔•克劳)在念研究生时,便发表了著名的博弈理论,该理论虽只有短短26页,却在经济、军事等领域产生了深远的影响。但就在小约翰•福布斯-纳什蜚声国际时,他的出众直觉因为精神分裂症受到困扰,然而这并没阻止他向学术上的最高层进军的步伐,在深爱他的妻子艾丽西亚(珍妮弗•康纳利)的鼓励和帮助下,他走得虽然艰缓,却始终没有停步,而最终,凭借十几年的不懈努力和顽强意志,他如愿以偿。

From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experienced it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over his tragedy, and finally - late in life - received the Nobel Prize.


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