双叶社「月刊Action」杂志六月号上将宣布由高野莓创作的少女漫画「Orange」确定拍摄真人电影并将于2015年12月在东宝院线上映。   高野莓2012年在集英社「别册玛格丽特」上开始连载,2013年移籍到了双叶社的「月刊Action」上连载。「orange」讲述了女主角高宫菜穗,在开学的时候收到了26岁的自己给自己寄来的信,并希望她按照信上的内容作出更好的选择的故事。

Naho Takamiya is a 2nd year high school student. During the spring, Naho Takamiya receives a letter sent by herself from 10 years in the future. In the letter, she liked transfer student Kakeru Naruse. Kakeru Naruse carried emotional scars from his mother's suicide and he died one year later. 26-years-old Naho Takamiya thinks about Kakeru Naruse often. 2nd year high school student Naho Takamiya, with the knowledge of what she feels 10 years in the future, takes action to change her future.


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