Biopic of billionaire Howard Hughes, starting with his early filmmaking years as owner of RKO studios but mostly focusing on his role in designing and promoting new aircraft. Hughes was a risk-taker spending several fortunes on designing experimental aircraft and eventually founding TWA as a rival to Pan AM airlines owned by his great rival Juan Trippe. When Trippe's politico Senator Ralph Owen Brewster accuses Hughes of being a war profiteer, it's Hughes who gains the upper hand. Hughes also had many women in his life including a long relationship with actress Katharine Hepburn. From an early age however, Hughes was also germophobic and would have severe bouts of mental illness.

感性的梦想家——再看《飞行者》。Howard Hughes其人其事。豪赌的本钱。很奇怪少有人给他的光芒加冕。关于男主角的强迫症的分析。传奇。他们太像了,早晚都会分开。天才与疯子,奇妙人生。严重恋母。马丁•西科塞斯的天空幻想曲---《飞行家》。

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