普通高中生四月一日君寻(福山润 配音),有着异于常人的体质,他可以看到并且吸引各种鬼怪,而如果和同学百目鬼静(中井和哉 配音)在一起时,就不会被鬼怪缠上。因为命运的牵引,四月一日走进了一家奇怪的店里,这是一家可以帮客人实现任何愿望的店,但是店主人壹原侑子(大原沙耶香 配音)同时要拿走和这愿望对等的代价。侑子答应帮四月一日实现远离鬼怪的愿望,而作为代价,四月一日要留在店里打工。   有一天,一个阴郁的少女走进店里,委托侑子实现自己的愿望。由此,侑子、四月一日和百目鬼三人来到了一所诡异的豪宅里。在这里,他们遇到一群奇奇怪怪的收藏家,同时,四月一日在这所大房子中遭遇了各种各样的灵异事件,犹如在仲夏夜里做了一场诡秘的梦……

Yuko receives an invitation for the opening of an auction from a mysterious unknown sender. Likewise, fanatical collectors are summoned to an old mansion whose owner doesn't make an appearance. One after another, each collector disappears and a number of other strange occurrences happen during the night. The questions of what exactly it is that's being auctioned and who the owner of the mansion is must be solved in order for Yuko and Watanuki to get to the bottom of this.

所以,去做一件事如果已经忘记了自己的初衷···。天佑裴小城。现实与虚幻的结合。Clamp 的Dream World。精靈。像刚毕业的艺术学生的作品。仲夏夜之梦。

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