A young black man visits his white girlfriend's family estate where he learns that many of its residents, who are black, have gone missing, and he soon learns the horrible truth when a fellow black man on the estate warns him to "get out". He soon learns this is easier said than done.

关于get out的一些细节。女盆友真的不能随便交啊~。本片教你看懂什么叫后种族时代。《逃出绝命镇》观影细节分享。严肃影评#32:真•扭曲类型片 – 9/10。人的恐惧也是带有偏见的。电影里的细节最新整理,看完必须get一下。非常过瘾的软科幻惊悚搞笑片(含剧透)。跨种族人类嫁接试验。一次黑人文化群体的撒娇狂欢。

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