尚格·云顿扮演美国大使的刚上任副官,使馆位于一个动荡不安的东欧小国. 当该国的叛乱者企图发动政变时, 国家总统躲在使馆要求庇护. 于是武器精良的叛乱者把使馆团团包围,更把大使杀害,现在唯有依靠尚格?云顿和使馆里的小批美国海军陆战队员来对付眼前这些凶悍的敌人了……

Jean Claude plays an official who's just been appointed as Second In Command to the U.S.Ambassador at an American Embassy in a small, turbulent Eastern European nation. When local insurgents attempt a coup d'etat, the nation's President takes refuge inside the embassy. The embassy is then besieged by the well-armed insurgents. The U.S. Ambassador is killed in the ensuing action, and it's now up to Jean-Claude and the embassy's small detachment of U.S. Marines to fend off the attackers.


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