迈尔肯(丹泽尔•华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)出生于一个黑白通婚的家庭,其父是黑人牧师,其母是无偏见的白人。但是当时,美国种族矛盾激化,3K党经常骚扰他家,在他的幼小心灵中种下了复仇的种子。迈尔肯长大后,混迹于街巷酒吧之中,甚至染上了毒品、偷盗等恶习。一次偶然的机会,迈尔肯与白人女子索菲亚相遇,但这段爱情因种族偏见而夭折。迈尔肯因犯罪锒铛入狱,正当他处于困境之时,一位黑人教徒引领他皈依了伊斯兰教,这也成为他人生的转捩点。他通过阅读大量书籍,逐渐了解了种族歧视的文化根源,并多次在公开场合宣扬黑人要独立、对白人复仇的激进主张,引起轩然大波。迈尔肯成为很多人的眼中钉,甚至遭遇了背叛,引来了灭顶之灾……

Biograpical epic of Malcolm X, the legendary African American leader. Born Malcolm Little, his father (a Garveyite Baptist minister) was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. Malcolm became a gangster, and while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam writings of Elijah Muhammad. He preaches the teachings when let out of jail, but later on goes on a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca, there he converts to the original Islamic religion and becomes a Sunni Muslim and changes his name to El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz. He is assassinated on February 21, 1965 and dies a Muslim martyr.

张承志:真正的人是X。真诚的自私才是大爱。Malcolm X (1992)。We don't see any American Dream. We've experienced only the American Nightmare!。非裔美国人诞生记。(不算影評)By any means necessary。纪实性的政治性名导名演员作品。Malcolm X。电影微评:黑潮。午夜黑帮。

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