该片改编自同名小说,讲述一个平凡的20岁男大生——森中领(松坂桃李 饰),每天过着平凡无趣的生活。某天,他认识了经营会员制BOYS CLUB的老板——御堂静香(真飞圣 饰),在她的诱惑下 ,森中领决定以「娼夫(男妓)」的身份在她的店里工作。随着和各式各样的女性接触 , 森中领温柔地释放了她们内心所蕴藏的欲望,疗愈她们受伤的心,自己也渐渐有所成长。

Ryo Morinaka is a university student and works part-time at a bar. He is bored with his daily life and exists in a state of torpor. One day, his friend Shinya Tajima brings the owner of a host bar over to the place where Ryo works. Shizuka Mido is the owner of the host bar. Soon, Ryo begins to work for Shizuka at the members only host bar. He feels embarrassment initially, but he fulfills the desires of women and develops a sense of purpose.


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