南希(蕾克·贝尔 Lake Bell 饰)是一名34岁的女记者,一天,在火车上,南希邂逅了一个女孩,女孩将自己手上的一本书留给了南希,这本书是女孩和她的相亲对象的接头暗号。列车到站之后,南希想要将书还给女孩,然而女孩早已经不见了踪影。   就在南希手持着书本在伦敦滑铁卢车站大钟底下徘徊之际,一个名为杰克(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰)的男子喊住了南希,他手中有一本和南希一模一样的书。原来,杰克误将南希错认为了自己的相亲对象。就这样,在误打误撞之中,南希和杰克开始了交往,这段由一个误会开启的感情,能否顺利的走到终点呢?

A 34 year old single woman, Nancy, hung-over again, exhausted by the endless fruitless set ups by her friends, traveling across London to toast another 10 years of her parent's successful happy magical marriage runs in with a 40 year old divorcee, Jack, who mistakes her for his 24 year old blind date. Nancy, deciding to go with it, happens to hop on the most chaotic yet hilarious journey of her life which neither of them will ever forget. There is drinking, truths, an old stalker class mate with long a standing crush, lost divorce papers, lost hopes, competitive indoor sports and yeah Jack finding out the truth that Nancy isn't his blind date. 'Man Up' a romantic comedy about taking chances, finding about being yourself, making decisions and rolling with the consequences.

每年夏天硬盘必备的爱情喜剧(每年夏天都来更新)。风趣幽默的爱情小品。如何愉快的相亲。岁数大了耗不起,一步到位so easy。Just another love story。温馨暖人的电影。希望,是爱情的别名。Fuck the past!。爱情比电影更现实。Absolute Quotes。

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