Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1993MP4


又名:The Romance of Three Kingdoms

主演:唐国强 孙彦军 鲍国安 李靖飞 陆树铭 洪宇宙 吴晓东 

导演:王扶林 张绍林 蔡晓晴 孙光明 张中一 沈好放 

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1993MP4
21.07 GB

    Romance of the Three Kingdoms 1993

  • RoTK 01-03.mp4(695.36 MB)
  • RoTK 04-06.mp4(696.29 MB)
  • RoTK 07-09.mp4(696.59 MB)
  • RoTK 10-12.mp4(688.83 MB)
  • RoTK 13-15.mp4(778.96 MB)
  • RoTK 16-18.mp4(777.32 MB)
  • RoTK 19-21.mp4(774.46 MB)
  • RoTK 22-24.mp4(775.58 MB)
  • RoTK 25-27.mp4(758.47 MB)
  • RoTK 28-30.mp4(770.13 MB)
  • RoTK 31-33.mp4(769.52 MB)
  • RoTK 34-36.mp4(779.63 MB)
  • RoTK 37-39.mp4(767.02 MB)
  • RoTK 40-42.mp4(765.45 MB)
  • RoTK 43-45.mp4(765.36 MB)
  • RoTK 46-48.mp4(869.53 MB)
  • RoTK 49-51.mp4(753.56 MB)
  • RoTK 52-54.mp4(843.68 MB)
  • RoTK 55-57.mp4(760.54 MB)
  • RoTK 58-60.mp4(785.11 MB)
  • RoTK 61-63.mp4(868.19 MB)
  • RoTK 64-66.mp4(778.92 MB)
  • RoTK 67-69.mp4(780.32 MB)
  • RoTK 70-72.mp4(776.59 MB)
  • RoTK 73-75.mp4(771.90 MB)
  • RoTK 76-78.mp4(769.87 MB)
  • RoTK 79-81.mp4(771.04 MB)
  • RoTK 82-84.mp4(695.06 MB)
  • RoTK Chapters.txt(3.08 KB)
  • RoTK cover back.jpg(2.07 MB)
  • RoTK cover front.jpg(1.19 MB)
  • RoTK ending.mp4(41.51 MB)
  • RoTK intro.mp4(21.68 MB)
  • RoTK map.jpg(639.33 KB)
  • RoTK normal intro.mp4(20.67 MB)
  • Zhuge Liang's Theme.m4a(6.31 MB)

东汉末年,山河动荡,刘汉王朝气数将尽。内有十常侍颠倒黑白,祸乱朝纲。外有张氏兄弟高呼“苍天已死,黄巾当立”的口号,掀起浩大的农民起义。一时间狼烟四起,刘家朝廷宛如大厦将倾,岌岌可危。   正所谓乱世出英雄,曹操(鲍国安 饰)、公孙瓒、袁术、袁绍、吕布(张光北 饰)、刘备、孙策、关羽、张飞、诸葛亮(唐国强 饰)等各路豪杰不断涌现,从群雄逐鹿到赤壁之战,从魏蜀吴三国鼎立到三分归一统,波澜壮阔的三国时代的大幕缓缓拉开……   本片根据中国古典名著《三国演义》改编。In an age of turmoil, heroes will rise. . . It is the end of the 2nd Century and China is in a state of turmoil. The land is divided by warlords and the country is facing famine, droughts, ...