
类型:剧情 短片  中国大陆  2012 

主演:徐玺涵 孙亚南 王钟浩 李冰溪 竹原青 



《人型容器》北京电影学院2012届联合作业之一,是一部自导自演的习作。   竹子是个初出茅庐的女导演,她幻想着能像电影大师们那般,从自己的真实经历中找到剧本的灵感。然而通过挖掘,竹子逐渐意识到自己的生活竟是如此的平淡、麻木,根本就不值一提,可是她又不愿抱着一颗猎奇的功力心去挖掘那些不同寻常的人们的隐私...一些电影界前辈们对竹子接二连三的强势洗脑,更是让她濒临崩溃。

Jewel is a young female director. A less than adept storyteller, she attempts to write a script about the only person she knows intimately, herself. While trying to get lost in the writing process, she searches for her elusive 'real' self. Finding only a simple and sheltered girl looking out at a diverse and fantastic world, she gets unsolicited advice from friends and family alike. Jewel begins to wonder: What makes hers 'real' movie?