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梦幻天堂·龙网(xiepp.cc).睡美人 | 未知 | 416.58MB | 下载 |
[2010] La Belle EndormieAVI | 未知 | 1018.60 MB | 下载 |
La Belle Endormie 2010 FRENCH TVRip XviD-UTTAVI | 未知 | 707.54 MB | 下载 |
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国王和王后迎来了他们可爱的小女儿奥罗拉公主(卡拉·贝奈诺 Carla Besnaïnou 饰),为了庆祝这个崭新的小小生命的降临,城堡里举行了盛大的宴会。国王邀请了仙女和女巫们参加晚宴,哪知道仙女们迟到了,这让久候的女巫感到非常的生气。女巫设下了恶毒的诅咒,诅咒奥罗拉公主将在她16岁那一年被纺锤刺破手指而死。 内柔的仙女无法破解女巫的诅咒,却将诅咒换了一种形式,被纺锤刺中的公主不会死去,而是陷入永久的沉睡之中。一晃眼16年过去,虽然国王和王后一直对公主的安全严防死守,但悲剧还是发生了,沉沉睡去的奥罗拉公主进入了幻想世界中,体验到了截然不同的人生。
The princess Anastasia is cursed by the witch Carabosse to die but three teenage fairies change it and the girl falls into a deep sleep for one hundred years to wake-up as a sixteen year-old teenager. Along her dream, Anastasia takes a ghost train and is adopted by a woman that lives in the woods with her son Peter that becomes her stepbrother. Soon Peter is seduced by the Snow Queen and leaves home with her. Anastasia seeks him out and travels through the kingdom of albino King and Queen that offer her a stagecoach to help her to travel. However Anastasia is attacked by gypsy bandits that kidnap her, but she befriends a gypsy girl that offers a magic animal to ride in her quest. Out of the blue, the sixteen year-old Anastasia is awaken by Peter's grandson Johan.
六岁的觉醒。我在你的世界里,永远是孤独的。“女权主义者”的童年岁月。我的收看簿:《睡美人》。没有永恒 亦没有对错。!!。残酷童话。