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网路作家蓝婷(林志玲 饰)写的小说人气很旺,她还遇到过一个自称排骨(曾志伟 饰)的粉丝索要签名。不过,蓝婷跟其父的关系很僵,所以后者派乔飞(周杰伦 饰)邀她共进晚餐。乔飞是打击盗墓走私的青年侠客,但是他与蓝婷之间也有误会。当晚,蓝婷突然遭遇车祸,被劫持。醒后,她发现劫匪竟是排骨一伙,为首的是深藏不露的华爷(陈道明 饰)。他们以蓝婷为人质,逼其父交出大漠的藏宝地图。没想到,前来谈判的竟是乔飞,他拿来了地图,同时也带来了蓝婷父亲意外丧命的消息。正在此时,突现的蒙面人将地图劫走。另有沙漠军团来袭,乔飞保护着蓝婷,两人互生情愫。众人先后来到浪人部落,乔飞意外发现劫走地图人的真面目,同时他们也渐渐揭开了失落古城的秘密……
In the northwest desert where countless dynasties have flourished and have perished , there would be a huge treasure rumored . A mysterious group of guards guarding the treasure map erupts into a fierce competition. A notorious international crime syndicate chasing the guards. Before she could jeopardize the safety card , giving him a watchman to the young knight Ciao Fei ( Jay Chou ) . Ciao Fei is forced however Ting card for life ( Lin Chi Ling ), the daughter of his mentor , to trade. Along with Hua Ding Bang ( a famous archaeologist ), he embarks on a dangerous journey to get possession of the card and so the ancient treasures to protect .
看了《刺陵》之后的十万个为什么。一位重要导演的票房冲刺。《刺陵》:你要是认真你就输了。吃了饼干,我们就是一辈子好朋友了(严重剧透)。《刺陵》除了耍酷还剩下什么?。刺陵--什么叫做五雷轰顶 【严重剧透】。年度最差影片诞生,与《气喘吁吁》共享09年度最差影片宝座。对我来说林志玲算什么。大家听我说!我给了两颗星,请大家原谅我!!!。《刺陵》:去沙漠寻宝,还是来内地掘金?。