
类型:剧情 喜剧 爱情  美国  1997 

主演:Russell Crowe Salma Hayek Abraham A 

导演:Robert Greenwald 


莫妮卡(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 饰)是一名教师,史蒂夫(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)是一名摄影师,这两个人从相识相知到相爱,已经携手走过了许多个年头,然而,他们目前依然只是情侣关系,结婚的议题并没有提上日程。   当最初爱的激情随着时间的流逝渐渐退却之后,莫妮卡和史蒂夫之间开始了没完没了的争吵,争论的都是一些他们根本就无法解决的问题。甚至有时候,仅仅只是一两句无心的话语就可以点燃两人彼此脑海里的怒火。终于,他们决定分手。然而,对于已经习惯了彼此存在的莫妮卡和史蒂夫来说,分手太过于痛苦了,于是,他们复合了,决定再试一试。

Monica teaches, Steve's a photographer. They've dated more than two years. They're arguing, and she leaves for her apartment, only to return in a few minutes to say they should stop seeing each other. A few days later, they're back together, but within two hours, he takes offense at an off-hand remark, and the separation starts in earnest. They see other people, then, out of the blue, Steve asks Monica to marry him. She says yes, and a time of ecstasy begins: they interview strangers, asking them what makes a marriage work, and she moves in with him. Then comes the wedding, and when Steve freezes, anger rends the relationship again. Can harmony return?
