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中年男子米尔登(Nebojsa Glogovac 饰)拥有一个还算完美幸福的家庭,但一场灾难令这个家庭遭受沉重的打击。米尔登活泼可爱的儿子尼曼亚(Marko Djurovic 饰)被诊断患有严重的心脏病,然高额的手术费令夫妇俩烦恼不已。适逢经济萧条,米尔登的公司濒临倒闭,银行也拒绝提供抵押贷款。男孩的母亲玛丽娅(Natasa Ninkovic 饰)无奈之下登报寻求帮助。 很快一个男人致电米尔登,声称愿意支付手术费,条件是米尔登必须为他杀掉一个人。面对儿子日益严重的病情,这个父亲不得不做出痛苦的决定……
"THE TRAP" is a modern film noir reflecting the true face of Serbian (Eastern European) 'society in transition.' It's a story that could happen to you. It is a film about an ordinary man, who is forced to choose between life and death of his own child. THE TRAP is a film about post-Milosevic Serbia, in which there is no more war, but there is moral and existential desert, about Serbia in transition, in which human life still isn't worth a lot, about normal life which still seems unreachable.