热带雨林的爆笑生活 完结篇9.2

类型:动画  日本  2003 

主演:爱河里花子 渡边菜生子 

导演:水岛努 高桥涉 武本康弘 山本宽 多田俊介 


FINAL:   1.谨致问候/莉塔   2.学院天堂/学院地狱   3.朋友/酒鬼归来   4.胸毛默示录/大大的拉贝娜   5.RPG试玩版/RPG海贼版   6.再也不恋爱了/我的爸爸   7.硝烟是口红的芳香(前篇/后篇)

Hale's family receives a video letter from Weda's home in the city. Witnessing how sad and lonely Weda's mother and Bel are without her, Weda decides to take Hale and Guu back to the city for a while. After Hale complains about being bored and lonely without his friends in the jungle (as part of his plot to persuade his mother to take him back), Weda decides to send him to a private school in the city, where he instantly falls in love with a pretty girl named Rita. But, of course, Guu wants part of the action too.
