
类型:剧情 犯罪  日本  1970 

主演:和田现子 梶芽衣子 和田浩治 范文雀 藤龙也 青木富夫 藤田进 睦五郎 


Stray Cat Rock Saga AT

新宿西口一带,不良少女纷争不断,阿美(梶芽衣子 饰)和季衣(小磯マリ 饰)为争夺黑衫队队长之位大打出手,籍此机会结识飞车少女亚子(和田アキ子 饰)。   阿美的男友道男(和田浩治 饰)系黑衫队总管,他为了加入上一级的青勇会,决定与立志成为伟大拳击手的童年好友Kerry(ケン・サンダース 饰)策划一场假比赛,以使青勇会大赚其钱。然而当晚,在阿美和亚子等人的声援下,Kerry最终K.O.对手。此举惹怒了青勇会,他们对道男进行无情折磨。为了救出恋人,阿美等人决定铤而走险……

Tough girl biker Ako (pop singer Akiko Wada) comes across Mei (Meiko Kaji) and her girl gang (the Alleycats/Stray Cats) as they are about to have a knife fight in Shinjuku, Tokyo with another gang of girls. When the second gang calls in their boyfriends for help, Ako joins in and turns the tide for Mei and her gang and becomes a leader figure for the girls. Meanwhile, Mei's boyfriend Michio (Koji Wada) wants to join some right-wing nationalists, the Seiyu Group. To prove himself, he induces an old friend Kelly (Ken Sanders) to throw a boxing match so the Seiyu Group can cash in betting against him. But when the boxer, encouraged by Ako and Mei, wins the fight, the Seiyu Group takes their anger out on Michio until Mei and the Alleycats rescue him. But Mei and the girls are now on the run from the powerful group. Mei is eventually killed and Ako leaves Shinjuku, roaring away on her bike.