
类型:剧情 爱情 武侠 古装  中国大陆   2002 

主演:林志颖 李小璐 天心 唐宸禹 吴启华 于莉 郑国霖 张瑞竹 苏有朋  

导演:邓衍成 梁国冠 黄伟杰 马华干 陈国华 陈桂纶 


古灵精怪的赌坊少爷江小鱼(林志颖饰)是人人敬而远之的街头鬼灵精,常常将人整得落花流水。而生长于山林中的少年风无忌(唐宸禹饰)则是一个平凡忠厚的山林樵夫。两个看似毫无关系的少年却在相遇后,激起了二十年前一场血雨腥风的江湖恩怨。   号称《绝代双骄》姐妹篇的40集古装武侠电视剧《绝世双骄》,借用了古龙原著《绝代双骄》的人物关系框架,却演绎出了一段江湖恩怨中爱恨交织的悲欢故事。本剧集众星云集,不仅由林志颖、唐宸禹、天心、李小璐饰演男女主人公,还网罗两岸三地各方大牌明星,力邀马景涛、萧蔷、陈德容、苏有朋、于莉等实力派演员倾情演出。

In the Jewish enclave of New York's lower East Side, hapless inventor Mendel is constantly in debt since he uses all his (and other people's) money to tinker with machines that will make him rich. He finally does create a dish washing machine and becomes involved with his match-making, rent-collecting brother-in-law Bernard and Bernard's partner to market the machine. Success leads to strife in the family and Mendel's wife Zelda moves 'uptown' with her new found wealth while Mendel builds a luxurious townhouse in the East Side. Complications with finances lead to a reconciliation between Zelda and Mendel and cumuppence for the wheelers and dealers involved.
