
类型:纪录片  英国  2008 

主演:Simon Schama 




To coincide with the US elections of 2008 comes this refreshing antidote to the whir of sensationalist spin and scandal, measuring up to the seriousness of the moment without diluting the excitement of campaign politics. After 9/11, Katrina, Enron and Baghdad, the robustness of American optimism is struggling to reassert itself against the sobering reality of military frustration and domestic anxieties. This is an America grappling with an un-American sense of its own limits. This series offers a timely and gripping vision of the United States - past and present - facing its moment of truth.

书呆子的散文诗呵呵。美国,它的生命力源泉在哪里。思考。Manifest Destiny。