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《到火花中去》讲述了因战争陷入贫困和绝望中,以不屈的意志创造韩国经济奇迹的主人公的时代故事,以已故浦项名誉会长朴泰俊的传记为蓝本,剧中“钢铁大王”朴泰亨(音)一角已确定由崔秀宗饰演。 孙泰英将出演女主人公,与崔秀宗上演对手戏,是一位集美貌才华于一身的魅力女人。 柳镇出演一个为了朋友牺牲也在所不惜的,拥有豪爽性格的男子汉角色。
The drama recounts the life of steel magnate, Park Tae-Joon, who became the founder and chairman of POSCO, a then-fledgling South Korean steel company that grew into a multinational steel-making conglomerate. The story revolves around Park's tireless effort to build a steel mill amongst the devastation in the aftermath of the Korean War. Rising up from the ashes amidst poverty and despair, this is the story of the Korean people's resolve and a relentless drive towards modernization.