
类型:剧情  英国  1948 

主演:劳伦斯·奥利弗 巴兹尔·悉尼 艾琳·赫利 诺曼·伍德兰 费利克斯·艾尔 



丹麦王子哈姆雷特(劳伦斯·奥利弗 Laurence Olivier 饰)的父王某日在花园中离奇死亡,国王的弟弟克劳迪亚斯登上了王位,并娶原王妃即哈姆雷特的母亲为妻。父亲的突然离世,加上母亲的改嫁,使哈姆雷特终日郁郁寡欢。   一天哈姆雷特的好友霍拉旭告诉他,每到子夜时分,城堡高台上会出现一个悲愤抑郁的鬼魂。哈姆雷特便在半夜里来到高台上,与父亲的幽魂相会,他从鬼魂口中得知父王为现任国王克劳迪亚斯所杀。鬼魂要求哈姆雷特向那个篡夺王位、霸占王妃的凶手复仇。背负了复仇任务的哈姆雷特决定用假装发疯的办法来掩饰自己,以窥探克劳迪亚斯的一举一动。然而优柔寡断的他迟迟没有动手杀死叔父,正当他犹豫不决时,一个戏班来到了宫廷。他就安排了一场戏,将国王被害一幕以戏剧形式表演出来。国王和王后的反应,让他证实了这场宫廷阴谋……

William Shakespeare's tale of tragedy of murder and revenge in the royal halls of medieval Denmark. Claudius, brother to the King, conniving with the Queen, poisons the monarch and seizes the throne, taking the widowed Gertrude for his bride. Hamlet, son of the murdered King, mournful of his father's death and mother's hasty marriage, is confronted by the ghost of the late King who reveals the manner of his murder. Seeking revenge, Hamlet recreates the monstrous deed in a play with the help of some traveling actors to torment the conscience of the evil Claudius. In a visit with his mother, Hamlet expresses his anger and disappointment concerning her swiftly untimed marriage. Thinking a concealed spy in his mother's chamber to be the lurking Claudius, he mistakenly kills the meddling counselor, Polonius, father of Ophelia and Laertes. Claudius, on the pretext that Hamlet will be endangered by his subjects for the murder of Polonius, sends the prince to England.

每个人身上的哈姆雷特。人生长恨水长东。《哈姆雷特》剧评。FIFF10 | DAY1《王子复仇记》从迷雾中喃喃走出,在城堡里封锁游行。Shakespeare said~~~重温经典《哈姆雷特 Hamlet (1948)》。复仇心是如何被视觉激发的?。上译的东西其实一般般,现代追捧的太厉害啦。。上译的扛顶之作。哈姆雷特(王子复仇记)莎翁四大悲剧之首。活着。