
类型:剧情 爱情 历史  中国大陆  2004 

主演:苏有朋 蔡琳 赵雅芝 狄龙 寇振海 胡静 王艳 牛萌萌 赵强 贾乃亮  

导演:梁德龙 刘峰 王鸣 


故事发生在北宋年间。被太宗(方舟波 饰)赐其天波府的招降名将杨业(狄龙 饰)名噪一时,这引起丞相潘仁美(寇振海 饰)妒嫉,太宗恰好利用臣子间的内斗巩固自已的王位。杨四郎(苏有朋 饰)生性孤傲,屡屡在见解上与父亲发生冲突,他偶遇潘仁美爱女语嫣(蔡琳 饰),俩人一见钟情。潘仁美棒打怨鸯,四郎失手打死潘仁美独子潘豹(赵强 饰),结果两家世代冤仇火山般爆发。潘仁美屡进谗言,使杨家男丁纷纷踏上战场,结果都是有去无回,佘太君(赵雅芝 饰)心疼的老泪纵横。杨业为破潘仁美险恶用心,差儿子四郎去辽国做了卧底,辽国公主明姬(胡静 饰)对四郎一见倾心,硬招他为东床快婿,这一幕恰好被前来搭救四郎的语嫣撞见......

Based on the historical exploits of the Yang military family during the Song Dynasty, this drama begins as war between China and the neighboring Liao kingdom is about to begin. The Song emperor is counseled by Pan Ren Mei, an ill-scheming prime minister whose political ambitions fuel a dangerous rivalry with the Yang family, leading to disastrous military decisions and treachery. As head of the Yang family, General Yang Ye is extremely loyal to the Songs, to the extent of being an overbearing authoritarian to his seven sons, dealing out stricter punishments to them than he would to ordinary soldiers in order to demonstrate impartiality. His harshness is especially evident in his treatment of his fourth son, Si Lang. Being equally stubborn, each of them fights persistently for his own beliefs even when both sides of the argument are valid. Although each of the Yang sons has a defined character and a personal story line within the drama, the main focus is on Si Lang. He falls in love with the enemy's daughter, Pan Yu Yan, when they meet in the Yang family compound, Tian Bo, accidentally. However, when Si Lang kills Yu Yan's brother, Pan Bao, in self-defense, the two lovers have to flee. After eloping, the pair have more obstacles ahead of them, such as the Laio Princess Ming Ji, whose determination to be with Si Lang comes in conflict with her role as a military leader for the invaders. While the Yang generals lead their armies into battle, Pan Ren Mei's enmity with the Yangs, fueled further by his son's death and daughter's desertion, leads him into a treasonous alliance with the Liao kingdom. As the war progresses, bravery, intrigue, passion and tragedy combine to bring the story to a dramatic climax.
