Prince Willy0.0

类型:喜剧 短片  法国  1913 


导演:Joseph Faivre 


Willy's tutor is unnecessarily severe in giving the little fellow his lesson. When the old professor falls asleep, Willy goes softly out of the room and to the dusty country road. Meeting a small boy like himself, he asks him how he would like to become a prince. Before his startled companion can answer he changes clothes with him and while the little country boy dons his fine clothes, Willy walks on arrayed as a country boy. Prince Willy walks on for a time until becoming tired. He falls asleep and is found by an old, thrifty, but honest farmer, named Adlebert. The old fellow takes Willy home to his large family where he is seated at the table with Adlebert's children. By this time the tutor of the little Prince has awakened and finding the little fellow gone, starts wildly on in search of him. A reward of 1000 pounds is offered to the man who brings back the Prince. Willy happy and contented among his simple surroundings hears of this and although reluctant to leave the farmer's house, brings him back to the castle where Adlebert receives the money and Willy saves the careless professor from being punished for his neglect.