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香港影坛三大荧幕硬汉 联袂打造最狂野的连环杀人事件。这是个刑警也偷窥的年代…… } 一名从纽约来港的女心理医生.美丽动人,更特别的是她是个双目失明的女人。为协助警方办案,通过分析和比较,女心理医生模仿被害者一身黑装出现在了人声鼎沸的酒吧。深夜,在医生的家里,就在凶手举起刀的一刹那,躲在暗处的警察也举起了枪……
Police officer Cheung (Michael Wong) gets into a brawl with another man while he's off duty out of town. When the other man is found murdered the following day, Cheung assists the local authorities in their investigation, despite their drastically different crime-solving methods.