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维也纳著名音乐家约翰•施特劳斯的家中住着一只名为约翰的小老鼠,每当音乐家弹奏美妙的华尔兹时,小约翰就情不自禁走出洞口,随着音乐翩翩起舞。而家中的老猫汤姆却无心欣赏音乐,它把心思全放在捕捉约翰这件事上,然而每次出击都功败垂成。 一天施特劳斯外出演出,小约翰始终躲在洞里。汤姆为了捉住它也弹起华尔兹,引出了完全被音乐迷住的小约翰。它们之间的追逐再次展开,不过最终两个小家伙握手言欢,甚至走进皇宫为皇帝倾情演出…… 本片荣获1953年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。
At the home of Viennese composer Johann Strauss, lived Johann Mouse. Whenever the composer played his waltzes, the mouse would dance to the music, unable to control himself. One day, when Strauss was away, the housecat played his master's music. This forced the mouse to dance, providing the cat with a chance to pounce on him. When word got out about a piano-playing cat and a dancing mouse, they were commanded to perform for the emperor.