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【480p标清中文字幕】曼哈顿爱情故事迅雷下载.2003.2gb.torrent | 未知 | 003.2GB | 下载 |
[2003-10-09][曼哈顿爱情故事][松冈昌宏,及川光博,酒井若菜,小泉今日子][TXXZ] | 未知 | 2.00 GB | 下载 |
【TVBT】曼哈顿爱情故事[VCD2RMVB][Seed by 小弟]RMVB | 未知 | 1.48 GB | 下载 |
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日本“中央TV”电视台附近,一家名叫“曼哈顿”的咖啡馆。店长(松冈昌宏饰)是位对咖啡异常执着和钟爱的男人,外表沉默内心如火。他用心地为客人调制每一杯咖啡,然而光顾曼哈顿咖啡馆的客人却很少会仔细品味他的咖啡。这些形形色色的客人来咖啡馆的目的不尽相同,却都借着曼哈顿咖啡馆来休息或聊天,找一处安静又私密的空间。因为地处电视台附近的缘故,电视台的人常会打扰这家小店的宁静。他们有编剧千仓真纪(森下爱子饰)、配音员土井垣智(松尾铃木饰)、播报员江本诗织(酒井若菜饰)等等。各式各样行业的客人进出着曼哈顿咖啡馆,而每位客人都有着属于他们自己的故事。 由日本著名编剧宫藤官九郎编剧的11集电视剧《曼哈顿爱情故事》,荣获2004年“第39回日剧学院赏”最佳作品、最佳导演、最佳编剧在内的八项大奖。
Next door to Chuo TV's offices is "Manhattan," a coffee shop for aficionados. The owner's passion for coffee is almost a sickness and all he wants is for his customers to enjoy their coffee. He is a man of few words. If he has to say something, he gets his waiter Shinobu Gamo to speak on his behalf. Owner's real name is unknown. He would prefer to be addressed as the shops' "Master" rather than its owner - not that anyone is aware of this. He gives his all to coffee. Despite his wishes, his regular customers don't really come to taste the coffee. They are there because of love. They use his shop as a place for dates, marriage proposals and break-ups. He doesn't show it, but it saddens him that his customers are so preoccupied with affairs of the heart and not the coffee.
狗血淋漓,KUSO到死。不中用的人儿很可爱。够狗血,也够天才。。匪夷所思的天才宫藤官九郎。一部不看会遗憾的剧!。爱情小资咖啡馆V.S.家常式意大利面。A与H爱情故事。愛情的不可思議處。幽默感值得尊敬。成功多无趣 一起失败吧。