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看来Sara还是耐不住寂寞,CSI的制作人们也病急乱投医,为了挽救下滑的收视率,刚刚离开该剧还不到一年的Jorja Fox正式和剧组签约,将重返CSI,在第10季中出演若干集。 据该剧的制作人Carol Mendelsohn说,对于Fox的回归他们都非常兴奋,她将在该剧于9月25日播出的新季的首集中归来,我们将会知道Sara Sidle的生活近况,以及她是因为什么再次回到拉斯维加斯的。 据传Sara将会回归出演5集,Sara都回来了,Grissom还会远吗?
While the press swarms around the apparent simple drunk driving collision death of starlet Olivia Hamilton, the team soon suspects foul play and elaborates. Surviving opposite driver Richard Wilkes's confession is mistrusted, as he was a deluded stalker and unlikely to pull off the ingenious traffic lights manipulation. Other suspects include Olivia's socialite steady boy-friend, Macau gambling mob heir Denny Ocampo, and Tom O'Neill, CEO of the exclusive Hollywood security company father Ocampo hired. Olivia-fan Greg is angry to be send off to a measly old man's murder in a lousy motel, but that ties in after an armed surprise raid on the morgue.
不给力。。这一季的背景音乐和插曲都很赞。csi第十季剧情。给第十三集做的笔记。熟脸盘点。换人了。终于一股脑儿的看完LV。最後那具屍體裡面到底是什麼呢?。激动。Paulie! Paulie!!。