雷恩 19746.7

类型:剧情 传记 冒险  美国  2016 

主演:Katherine Moennig Jasmin Savoy Brow 

导演:S.J. Chiro 


1974年,13岁的雷恩生活在北加州,过着惬意舒服的生活。在她叛逆的母亲出现后,这一切就都结束了。突然出现的母亲带着孩子们搬离原来的住宅,远离了社区的安定。母亲开始了自暴自弃,以乞讨食物为生,雷恩和她的兄弟姐妹们只能孤独地相依为命,原本美好的家庭土崩瓦解。在遇上一系列的危险后,雷恩他们明白,必须凭借自己的努力,找到一条今后能生存的道路。   该片参加了2017年美国SXSW电影节。电影根据真实故事改编,整部电影像是一场安静的回忆,带观众重温上世纪七十年代的美国景象,以及当时的文化浪潮。

Based on a true story, Lane is a 13-year-old girl coming of age on a Northern California commune in the 1970s. While Lane enjoys the freedom of living off-the-grid with her mother and younger siblings, she craves a stable "normal" life - a life she's only seen in pictures from a stolen Sears catalog. Lane must navigate her troubled mother, Hallelujah, while trying to care for her younger brother and sister. After a series of dangerous and isolating events, Lane decides to forge her own path in hopes of finding a better life after it becomes clear her family has fallen apart.