
类型:悬疑  中国香港  2013 

主演:卫诗雅 汤怡 柳俊江 蒋蜜 高翰文 梁荣忠 



在一次告別親友的儀式,綿綿逐漸表現出不尋常舉動,身體與意識之間逐漸的割裂,令她不尋常的,是靈。不同的記憶、意識、身份、行為在綿綿中徘徊不定,與廢了雙腿的男友、心理醫生建構一個特殊的關係網。   一個身體,綿綿與靈之間精神上的交感,使她們遊走於「羅酆山」,看見水順流而去,建構不同的情境與想像,探勘意識,是一個超於物外,回歸自然,進入一片無名以狀的水墨旅程。 綿綿與靈打開一道門,進入一個處境,走向另外一個世界。   「羅酆山是地獄,地獄是現世。」

This is a simple story, yet with complicated emotions and subject matter. The relationship between the story and the film is always a subject matter that interests me. Other than the common film language, is there any other way of telling a story? Cotton is losing herself gradually, losing the threshold of being one single Ego and thus opening herself to other spirits. In the process of losing her individuality, there has been no fear, only a pleasant sensation with the guilt of peeping instead.
