
类型:动作 奇幻 古装  中国大陆  2004 

主演:于波 蔡少芬 杨俊毅 陈法蓉 张晋 杨光 徐少强 张茜 卢星宇 

导演:梁国冠 李达超 


五百年前童氏一族因遭叛徒尹仲(徐少强 饰)所害遭遇灭族危机,幸得龙腾将军所救隐居于世。五百年后童战(杨俊毅 饰),童心(张晋 饰)为救病危的父亲——童式族长童镇,违背了永远不得踏出水月洞天的族规,前往御剑山庄偷取可以起死回生的血如意。一番惊心动魄的争斗后,二人终于在长兄童博(于波 饰)的帮助下盗得血如意救父,并且阴错阳差的带了神偷豆豆(蔡少芬 饰)回到水月洞天。可出乎众人意料的是血如意并未发挥功效,而且血如意的意外摔碎冰封了整个水月洞天。族长童镇临终前立童战为族长。,死里逃生的几人就此踏上了寻觅解救之法的道路,更是意外结识了身怀秘密的 尹天雪(陈法蓉 饰)…

In about 300 A.D., China is at peace after a lengthy period of civil war. The brilliantly gifted members of the Tong clan served the Empire until betrayed by an ambitious, half-mad relative. For 500 years the clan have lived in a secret valley, concealed from the rest of the world, and have become legend; few now believe they exist. The young heirs to the Tong clan leadership dare to leave the valley in search of a healing charm kept by a noble house. They find a world greatly changed in some ways, and in others the same as ever -- their ancient enemy still lives!

除了设定,并没有雷点。。喜欢天雪的性格。很喜欢尹天雪!。世间种种的诱惑 不惊不扰我清梦。有时候相爱不一定要在一起。山高路远不绝我 追踪你绝美的笑容。生死到头的相从 似狂花落叶般从容。童年经典剧。看《水月洞天》及《灵镜传奇》有感(一)。剧情特效带感。