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在过去的一年里,青春靓丽的女孩莎拉·帕尔曼(Danielle Jadelyn 饰)经历了有生以来最为难熬的一刻。为了让她开心,父亲给她买了智能眼镜。在此期间,好友瑞秋·克莱恩(耶尔·格洛格拉斯 Yael Grobglas 饰)约她一同前往以色列第二大城市特拉维夫旅行。莎拉未作过多考虑,便和瑞秋踏上旅途。在飞机上,她邂逅了学习人类学的青年凯文·瑞德(Yon Tumarkin 饰),后者对神秘的宗教深感兴趣。于是下了飞机后,莎拉自作主张临时改变行程,带着瑞秋一同随凯文前往耶路撒冷。 青春男女欢呼雀跃,歌舞升平,一度让沙拉忘记了悲伤往事。她兀自沉溺耶路撒冷的夜色中,殊不知却离传说中的地狱之门越来越近……
The American and best friends Rachel Klein and Sarah Pullman decide to travel to Tel Aviv to have fun. In the flight, they meet Kevin Reed that invites them to go to Jerusalem. They accept the invitation and they check in the hostel of the local Omar. Sarah and Rachel date Kevin and Omar respectively and they go to a nightclub together. When they return to the hostel, they find that Jerusalem is under siege of the army and curfew and no one can leave the place that is under attack of demons.