
类型:传记 历史  苏联  1944 

主演:尼古拉·切尔卡索夫 Lyudmila Tselikovskaya Se 



伊凡四世是16世纪最具禀赋的俄罗斯大公。影片以伊凡17岁时的加冕典礼这一宏大场面为开端。他英俊年少,踌躇满志,宣布为俄国带来新秩序,反对贵族。当莫斯科河岸谣传四起时,他在皇宫第一次会见民众。他一方面让人民相信他的智慧和治国能力,另一方面又怀疑自己的处境。他甚至怀疑库尔布斯基公爵图谋不轨。一场重病使他认清了心怀叵测的贵族,不久,他爱妻去世,许多贵族反叛。伊凡采取果断措施,粉碎了以皇婶为首的贵族叛乱。最后,他决定放弃莫斯科并宣布退位。他民手持圣像彩旗跪在他面前。从此这位年轻的沙皇可以称为真正的“雷帝”了。   这部被公认为经典的影片获1946年苏联国家奖金。由著名作曲家普罗科菲耶夫为影片配乐。

In 1547, Ivan IV (1530-1584), archduke of Moscow, crowns himself Tsar of Russia and sets about reclaiming lost Russian territory. In scenes of his coronation, his wedding to Anastasia, his campaign against the Tartars in Kazan, his illness when all think he will die, recovery, campaigns in the Baltic and Crimea, self-imposed exile in Alexandrov, and the petition of Muscovites that he return, his enemies among the boyars threaten his success. Chief among them are his aunt, who wants to advance the fortunes of her son, a simpleton, and Kurbsky, a warrior prince who wants both power and the hand of Anastasia. Ivan deftly plays to the people to consolidate his power.
