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来自首尔的哑语美术老师仁浩(孔宥 饰)来到雾津,应聘慈爱聋哑人学校。天降大雾,他意外撞车,维修时邂逅了人权组织成员柔珍(郑有美 饰)。仁浩妻子早亡,8岁女儿天生哮喘由祖母照看,所以他不辞辛苦谋职养家。然而,双胞胎的校长与教导主任竟逼仁浩索贿5千万韩元。同时,仁浩逐渐发现学校笼罩着一种紧张压抑的气氛,令人窒息。有三个孩子引人关注:聪颖的金妍斗(金贤秀 饰)、贪吃的陈宥利(郑仁絮 饰)和弟弟自杀身亡的全民秀(白承焕 饰),民秀总是满脸淤青。下课后,仁浩还听到女厕所中有呼喊与哭泣,在门卫的阻拦下他未深究。之后。他意外目睹了校长行贿警察,教导员毒打民秀,宿导溺罚妍斗的行径。一个惊天的隐秘被慢慢揭开,真相令韩国震惊…… 本片取材于2005年光州一所聋哑障碍人学校的真实事件,改编自韩国作家孔枝泳的同名小说。
Gang In-ho, who is working to earn money for his daughter's surgery, is appointed to a school for hearing-impaired children in Gwangju. But what he discovers there is an ugly truth: the children are being physically and sexually abused by their teachers. When he decides to fight for the children's rights and expose the crimes being committed at the school, In-ho teams up with human rights activist Seo Yu-jin. But he and Yu-jin soon realize the school's principal and teachers, and even the police, prosecutors and churches in the community are actually trying to cover up the truth.
孩子们,世界很好,你们还好吗?。《熔炉》始末。2011年,一个让整个韩国战栗的真相被揭露!【整理】。《熔炉》烘烤集体的良知。会车时请关掉远光灯。我今晚为什么选择了[熔炉]。韩国真实电影《熔炉》致性侵残障儿童案再调查。这个世界 比你想象的还要,不堪。他们有改变国家的电影,我们有改变电影的国家。应该多些类似儿童性侵、判决不公、结局寒心的犯罪片。