
类型:剧情  法国   1966 

主演:安妮·维亚泽姆斯基 Walter Green François Laf 



电影史上极其异类的电影.   全片的主角竟是一头驴。透过驴的眼睛,冷冷地注视着这个世界。驴在不同人的手中被虐待、被贩卖,最终被杀,透露出来的却是同样的主题。

This is the story of a donkey and the somewhat difficult life it leads. During a summer holiday, the baby donkey is a child's pet but when they return home, it begins it's life of misery. It works as a farm animal, pulling a delivery cart and working as any manner as various owners require of it. Meanwhile, the young girl who first acquired Balthazar as a pet grows up, only to be badly treated herself by an indifferent and selfish boyfriend.
