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贤友(张赫 饰)是一位小有名气的作家,自从被前女友无故抛弃之后,对爱情和女人都失望透顶的他开始了自暴自弃的淫靡生活。民锡(赵东赫 饰)家中有着美艳动人的娇妻寿妍(李敏贞 饰),可即便如此,他依然管不住自己向往花花世界的心,身边女伴你来我往令人目不暇给啊。 镇赫(李相宇 饰)是贤友和民锡阔别多年的好友,曾经的青葱小子,如今已经成为了小有成就的国际金融专家。镇赫此行归来不仅见到了还有,还见到了当年的初恋情人——寿妍。久别重逢,镇赫和寿妍的心中都有千言万语却难以表达,随着时间的推移,激情的火花燃起一发不可收拾。
The film depicts the hollow lives of affluent thirty-something young urban professionals in Seoul. The protagonists are three childhood friends, each struggling with a compulsion: schizophrenia, sex addiction, and infidelity. The revelation of their secrets exacerbates their sense of deprivation, and the three friends are inevitably led to a shocking finale when they learn that growing pains are not just distant memories of their youth.
顶楼大象。每个人都需要寻找大象。糊涂。人生苦短。寻找大象。顶楼的大象 美恒影视的影评。为什么我觉得很搞笑很好看...。到底谁才是精神病。一部被误解的电影。没有看过的真的可以不用看了。