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【720p高清中文字幕】英雄有泪 英雄有淚迅雷下载.1979.1.63gb.torrent | 720 | 1.63GB | 下载 |
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在 "逍遙手" 蕭遙的心目中, "留命三日" 冷笑天無疑是一尊被景仰的神. 具有一雙靈巧的手, 幹著澡堂里按摩師卑賤職業的蕭遙精通功夫, 渴望有一天能出人頭地, 成為神出鬼沒的大英雄 "留命三日" 第二. (来源:香港电影资料馆)
Fu Sheng plays the son of a man who is destined to die at the hands of a swordsman carrying a sword with a teardrop design forged into its blade. He believes that if he carries the sword then his father won't die.