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法国巴黎,警察系统中有一支特别的部队——青少年警队(Juvenile Protection Unit),吸毒、贩毒、杀人、伤害、虐待都与他们有关,而予以接手的唯一标准或者对象只有一个,那就是广大的青少年群体。工作中他们对受害人以及嫌疑人刨根问底、穷追不舍,只为漓清真相,还孩子们一片自由健康的成长天空。生活中他们为了各自的政见大声争论,也同样各自遭受着生活中的喜怒哀乐与磨难。他们是极其平凡的一群人,又在做着一份意义重大的工作…… 本片荣获2011年戛纳国际电影节评委会最佳影片奖;2012年法国恺撒奖最佳剪辑奖和最具潜力女星奖项(Naidra Ayadi)。
The daily grind for the cops of the Police Department's Juvenile Protection Unit - taking in child molesters, busting underage pickpockets and chewing over relationship issues at lunch; interrogating abusive parents, taking statements from children, confronting the excesses of teen sexuality, enjoying solidarity with colleagues and laughing uncontrollably at the most unthinkable moments. Knowing the worst exists and living with it. How do these cops balance their private lives and the reality they confront every working day? Fred, the group's hypersensitive wild card, is going to have a hard time facing the scrutiny of Melissa, a photographer on a Ministry of the Interior assignment to document the unit.