
类型:剧情 爱情  日本  2000 

主演:铃木保奈美 中田喜子 渡边哲 藤田宗 爱德华多·阿特尔顿 



留学京都,并在京都大学研究日本文学的“我”毕业于东京大学, 并和一起在京都居住的京子.我接受了给眼肓的京子读书的工作,读书是从“舞姬”开始。从那以后,就被她入神听书的时候,眼睛里面透出的她的独立坚强之心吸引着。不久到了夏天,我休假回来,不见了一个月的京子突然开始对我的胡子非常感兴趣,触摸着我的脸的京子的指头渐渐的变成了轻微的抚摸。每次的见面增加每次的思念,终于在园山公园的雨夜里,他们结合了……

Boku (Edward Atterton), is a foreign student in Japan, who wants to assimilate with a polite Kyoto society but finds himself rejected as a outsider. Undaunted, he volunteers to read books to a young blind woman (Honami Suzuki) and begins to find acceptance with the beautiful Kyoko. She chooses classic Japanese literature for their sessions until one day she has him read a translation of a French love story. He understands this to be a confession of sorts and a love affair develops. This is however challenged by cultural misunderstandings and prejudice on both sides.

京子的态度。勇敢的女性。moonlight dream。