
类型:剧情 古装  中国香港  2009 

主演:佘诗曼 杨茜尧 米雪 关菊英 韩马利 惠英红 陈豪 郑嘉颖 李施嬅  



刘三好(佘诗曼 饰)本是官宦之后,不幸其父在权力更替过程中成了牺牲品,三好与其母江采琼(田蕊妮 饰)以及奴婢姚金铃(杨怡 饰)被纳入宫中最婢女,江采琼有家传的手艺在司珍房中工作。一次江采琼为皇后制作的凤凰珠钗竟出现了“凤凰泣血”的不吉之象被革职并处以杖刑,最终重病而亡,临终前叮嘱女儿要“做好事、说好话、存好心”。刘三好和姚金铃在宫中相依为命,都在尚宫局任职。然而在皇宫的尔虞我诈中,姚金铃野心越来越大,一而再再而三的陷害三好。与之相反,三好始终铭记着母亲的遗嘱,即便在人心叵测的皇宫中,依旧“做好事、说好话、存好心”。分道扬镳的二人最终换来什么样的结局呢?

Lau Sam Ho (Charmaine Sheh) always remembered her mother's words left to her before she passed away: "Doing good deeds, Speaking good words, Showing goodwill." Sam Ho lives her life being gracious and kind-hearted in the palace. On the other hand, Yiu Kam Ling (Tavia Yeung) believes her survival in the palace is achieved through cruel and calculating tactics. She cheats and schemes her way to the top and finally becomes the concubine to the emperor. Though she realizes that Sam Ho has fallen in love with the chess master Ko Hin Yeung (Kevin Cheng), her jealousy is still aroused by Sam Ho's attraction to the Emperor Lee Yi (Moses Chan). Fearing that she is losing power, she ruthlessly makes up a false allegation against Ho of murdering the Empress (Mary Hon) and condemns her to death. No matter how cleverly she schemes, things do not go the way she planned.
