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近年來,泰國恐怖片在台灣逐漸受到矚目,之前的《鬼影》、《邪降:惡魔的藝術》在台上映時就廣受好評,引發網友的熱烈討論、口碑推薦,尤其《邪降:惡魔的藝術》當初上映時更曾發生觀眾驚嚇到奪門而出的事件。《邪降3:鬼影隨行》正是因應《邪降:惡魔的藝術》在全球的好口碑而開拍,不僅由原班人馬再度通力合作,導演也保證這次的內容絕對更加驚悚可怖,舉凡剪舌、別針穿眼、電鋸鋸頭等種種意想不到的駭人場景都將一一呈現。 這次的故事回到《邪降:惡魔的藝術》發生之前,對人物的轉折際遇將做出更完整的交代。潘老師是個充滿魅力的鄉下老師,她的美貌讓許多男人藉由各種妖術與降頭的力量,來贏得其芳心。為了斬斷這些無窮盡的威脅,潘老師不得不殺了對她下降頭的巫醫,但她也因此落入三眼神的掌控之中。另一方面,巫醫的朋友帝特,為了征服三眼神,決定介入這場風波…。
The youngster Ta returns to his hometown, and his aunt Pan and her husband Aod bring him home to meet his grandfather and his great-grandmother. Ta misses his mother Daun, who was poisoned by his father Prawase, and sooner he learns that his family will use black magic to bring her back. The warlock Dis needs the devil of three eyes to control the demons that are eating him due to the excessive use of black magic. He is hired by Ta's grandfather to bring Daun back from the afterlife. He steals the soul of the teacher Panor to use her body to receive Daun's soul through black magic. He gives two instructions to the family: they should bury Panor's fetus and the mirror with her soul in the cemetery and burn Daun's body otherwise lost souls would use it. However, when Aod goes to the cemetery during the night, he is frightened by Panor's soul and he leaves the fetus and the mirror on a tomb and does not bury them. Sooner Dis and Ta's family discover the price of the black magic.