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教會生活寧靜又祥和?豪放小修女們不但拉幫結派、偷窺告密、狂飆粗口,為了排解苦悶,無所不用其極。懦弱怕事的神父只能睜一隻眼閉一隻眼,祈禱不要捅出大簍子。某日,與王妃姦情曝光而逃亡的美少年前來教會尋求庇護,為了防止修女騷亂,神父謊稱他是新來的粗工而且又聾又啞。然而,面對天上掉下來的鮮肉,從來不是吃素的修女們豈會輕易放過? 《殭屍哪有這麼正》鬼才導演再出犀利奇招,找來近年以《出神入化》系列走紅的帥氣小生戴夫法蘭科與眾女星合力抓狂。影片鮮活刻劃再嚴厲的教規也束縛不了人對自由的嚮往,愈禁錮只有愈瘋狂。影片看似惡搞中世紀的政治與宗教,其實處處借古喻今。戲謔嘲諷的超強火力,彷彿賦予帕索里尼的《十日談》現代新解。
On the run from the battle-seasoned Lord Bruno for sleeping with his wife, the handsome and willing servant, Massetto, flees to the safety of the woods during the warm and peaceful summer of 1347. There, after a chance encounter with the always boozy but merciful Father Tommasso, the young charmer will find refuge into his convent's sanctuary, on one condition: to pretend he is a deaf-mute. However, Massetto's tempting presence will unavoidably upset the already frail balance of things within the sexually-repressed female realm, as nun after nun desperately seeks an escape from their tedious way of life and an extra reason to molest the charming handyman. In the end, will those cloistered Sisters finally find out what they had been missing out on all these years?