
类型:纪录片  古巴   1976 

主演:萨尔瓦多·吉列尔莫·阿连德·戈森斯 奥古斯托·皮诺切特 

导演:Patricio Guzmán 


帕特里西奥·古斯曼在阿连德于1970年执掌智利的政权后拍摄了一系列的纪录片《第一年》、《十月的回答》等。三年后,智利发生政变,阿连德政权被推翻,帕特里西奥·古斯曼逃到了古巴,并将其保存的全部资料编辑成多部反映1970—1973年间智利历史的影片,《智利之战》即为这些影片 中的两部。在这部影片中,由阿连德领导的人民联盟和右派间的斗争以及左派内部间的矛盾以以前从未公开的、激动人心的资料反映出来,表现了人民联盟由于极端政治思潮而给自身阵营内部造成的困难处境。

Taking place during the Chilean Coup d'état in 1973, this film opens with the attempted military coup of June 1973, which is put down by troops loyal to the government. The left is divided over strategy, while the right methodically lays the groundwork for the military seizure of power. The film's dramatic concluding sequence documents the coup d'etat, including Allende's last radio messages to the people of Chile, footage of the military assault on the presidential palace, and that evening's televised presentation of the new military junta.
