
类型:喜剧  日本  2018 

主演:阿部隆史 吉冈里帆 千叶雄大 麻生久美子 小峠英二 片山友希 中村优子 



阿部隆史&吉冈美帆将共演三木聪最新摇滚喜剧映画「音量を上げろタコ!なに歌ってんのか全然わかんねぇんだよ!!」,吉冈里帆将首度披露歌声。   电影将于2018年公映。

Shing is a rock star. He has an amazingly loud voice with a range of four octaves. His secret is that he has created his voice through a method of vocal cord doping. His voice is now teetering on the edge, due to side effects from the vocal cord doping. Around this time, Shing meets Fuuka who is a street musician. When Fuuka sings, her voice is so small. Due to Fuuka, Shing looks back upon his past.
