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Leonard和Sheldon是一对室友,他们共同的好友Howard 和Rajesh跟他们一样,是任职于同一所大学的天才科学家,他们都是不折不扣的Geek——智商超群,情商奇低;热爱电玩与漫画,不善与人交流,更不用说与异性相处;他们凡事用科学解决,因此引发不少笑话。美女邻居Penny的出现,让他们的生活产生了全新的变化。宅男科学家与美女侍应生的碰撞,有了奇妙的化学反应。 暗恋Penny已久的Leonard终于获得了与她约会的机会,Howard、Raj和Sheldon帮助他科学分析约会成绩。在科学家们的精确计算下,Leonard能否抱得美人归?
After his and Penny's first date, Leonard is in denial about what Penny's non-committal attitude toward a second date means. In reality and what Penny divulges to Sheldon in confidence is that her non-committal attitude is due to feeling intellectually inadequate, so much so that she even lied to Leonard about finishing community college. She is afraid that Leonard will ultimately get bored with her. The problem with Sheldon is that she told him this information before she vowed him to secrecy. Knowing that there is no way he can keep this secret from Leonard, Sheldon takes extreme measures to ensure that he keeps his promise to Penny. But these measures have a profound effect on both Howard and Raj, who may force Sheldon back to the situation of telling Leonard.
谢耳朵谢耳朵,我开始会常常想你们。Sheldon的孤獨。在北极圈顶呼唤第三季!。晕,Gorge Smoot真是诺贝尔奖获得者啊,客串第17集。生活大爆炸。pennyblossoms真有这个网站也。。。。第十五集 我认为Sheldon终于找到自己的“标准女友”了。big pig big bang。我很注意Leslie。茶余饭后 开怀一笑。