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1972年,美军在越南溃败撤离柬埔寨之后,纽约时报驻柬埔寨的战地记者辛尼(萨姆·沃特森 Sam Waterston饰)仍留在当地继续采访。柬埔寨人潘迪(吴汉润 Haing S. Ngor饰)是辛尼的当地翻译兼助手。辛尼在潘迪的帮助下,多次化险为夷逃过鬼门关。两人在战火纷飞中结下了深厚的友谊。1975年,红色高棉占领金边。辛尼得以全身而退,然而潘迪却因为没有护照而被捕,开始了生不如死的地狱生活。在柬共的劳动改造中,潘迪目睹了红色高棉政权的残暴血腥,受到了非人的待遇。1978年,越共入侵柬埔寨,潘迪趁机逃亡到泰国边境,与一直在寻找他的老朋友辛尼重逢。 本片荣获1985年第57届奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角、最佳摄影和最佳电影剪辑三项大奖。
Sydney Schanberg is a New York Times journalist covering the civil war in Cambodia. Together with local representative Dith Pran, they cover some of the tragedy and madness of the war. When the American forces leave, Dith Pran sends his family with them, but stays behind himself to help Schanberg cover the event. As an American, Schanberg won't have any trouble leaving the country, but the situation is different for Pran; he's a local, and the Khmer Rouge are moving in.
《杀戮之地》:乾坤特重我头轻?。从柬埔寨旅游回来后看的,唉,别人的历史。【杀戮战场】后话。一部让人震惊又回味的佳作。Dith Pran。杀戮之地。柬埔寨热烈庆祝推翻红色高棉残暴统治30周年。又一人间悲剧。适度的悬疑,大胆的创新。高棉的教科书以后要如何书写我们啊?。